The Tendency Whether or not it is our inherent tendency to adjust to certain situations or be judgmental about them, is hard to tell. However, when it comes to compromise, it becomes clear that our instinct guides us to avoid certain situations. ‘Compromise’, though, may be a term weak in its meaning, but it does result in a win-win situation more often than once for many. I may sound pessimistic, given the number of achievements recorded in the lives of brave-hearts but compromise is certainly a quality that has a bearing on defining our personality. What others think. Before coming to the point, I would like to recollect what Mr. Amir Khan told to some of our cub editors. He inspired them not to compromise under any circumstance. They must be strong and must carry forward their thoughts with a zeal and gusto braving all situations. They were fortunately ones with brain plus cash and so carrying forward their life’s principles and preferences will not be a notch troublesome when th...