Navami blues
Was in no mood to start from home that day. The grey sky was an exact replica of my mind's pattern. Clouds of gloom, fear, uncertainty, darkened the nature without and within as well. Thank God, my sister was there. Starting at 6pm we reached Howrah at 1:30a.m. Yatri Nivas had no place for us. Givn the situation we were in, we decided to take a seat nearby. God saw to it that we had a seat for us as well as our luggage. My sister was vigilant and kept me awake with frequent cups of tea which disappeared in the thorny fringes of the Pepsi lines that had already inflammed the hungry stomach. Waiting was boring, tiring. We were sure we wore a pathetic look. We felt we were the ones thrust into sombreness, but we were lucky as there were people around. Some were snoring with their elaborate selves on the platform, quite decorative with their bedsheets and pillows, some awake like us, two beauties waking up to glory carrying away their sleep to extraordinary levels of dreamland, s...