
Showing posts from January 4, 2010

Tasty India

Love for food is universal. I was plodding over the pages of ‘Women’s Era’ September 2009 (first issue) when my eyes feasted on the 52 items of ‘Cookery Special’. The items were soft and cheesy and had a mixture of vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian. However, the number of vegetarian recipes was less, compared to their counterparts.  Nevertheless, what attracted my attention was the article ‘Eat your way around the world’ by Kasturi Rangachaari. Her write-up was a pure reflection of a travel freak and a food fanatic. She delights in vegetarian food and is a strict veggie. Factors: She gives a detailed explanation of what suits the Indian palette and what are the factors responsible for modifications, if at all. That, available technology determining cooking techniques, climate and the seasons and culture and religion lies at the root of fabricating out methods of taste is understandable. However, what remains incomprehensible, is a significant group’s utter deprivation of tas...